Digital Nexus

4 | AI in tech - a feature, not a product!

Chris Sinclair and Mark Monfort Season 1 Episode 4

In this lively episode of the Digital Nexus Podcast, Chris and Mark dive headfirst into the chaos caused by a global IT outage, emphasizing the critical debate between centralization and decentralization. 

On the cutting edge of AI, they touch on the latest advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs), particularly Kyoto Labs' impressive open-source LLM. They explore the potential of AI in enhancing user experiences and stress the importance of ethical considerations in AI development. 

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<b>[Music] Barney wears nine. It's not rude at all.</b><b>Unless they meant that. And</b><b>that's their fault. Not mine.</b><b>As if they didn't mean that.</b><b>Yeah, exactly. Exactly.</b><b>It's like, "Dad, how was I produced?"</b><b>Papa, pass me the ball.</b><b>I mean, it's amazing that</b><b>they're both on the same team.</b><b>Wrong balls.</b><b>That is, that is, that, yeah, exactly.</b><b>That is, that is something out there.</b><b>You know, to be able to play professional</b><b>sports with your child on the same team.</b><b>That is, it is pretty fucking amazing.</b><b>Really rare. Ken Griffey and Ken Griffey</b><b>Jr. did it. They were both</b><b>very good baseball players.</b><b>And I'm pretty sure he was one of the</b><b>characters in The Simpsons</b><b>when Homer played with the,</b><b>all the All-Star baseball players, Jose</b><b>Canseco, you know, all</b><b>before they found out who did,</b><b>who did and who did not do Royds. But</b><b>anyway, I digress. Chris.</b><b>It was a time.</b><b>We missed those times.</b><b>We finally made it back to Sydney.</b><b>See my bag? See my bag?</b><b>What, what in the holy genitalia?</b><b>Pretty much. I, I happened.</b><b>You know what? I was watching that movie.</b><b>The Empire Crowd Strikes Back.</b><b>And it just, it went downhill. It was a B</b><b>grade kind of movie. Not what I expected.</b><b>It was missing some code. So yeah,</b><b>basically I was</b><b>supposed to be back on Friday.</b><b>It turned into manic kind of bit of mini</b><b>chaos at the airport. The</b><b>kind of stuff that I usually</b><b>watch on the news, but I'm not taking a</b><b>part of myself. So I was</b><b>trying to get in there,</b><b>get in and see.</b><b>You were a part of the experience. Yeah.</b><b>You wanted, you wanted to</b><b>mix it up. You were too.</b><b>Like I'm always on the sideline.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Looking in, I want to be a</b><b>part of the chaos this time.</b><b>It was, it was chaos indeed. And we had a</b><b>flight. So we stayed</b><b>and stuck around and the,</b><b>the flight got canceled basically and was</b><b>getting offered</b><b>another flight the next day</b><b>with Jetstar. But because the system</b><b>there on was affected by this outage,</b><b>which we'll talk about,</b><b>it was just a bit of a no go. Wasn't able</b><b>to, I was almost able to</b><b>confirm something and then</b><b>they cut out and then trying to get back</b><b>in the queue for the call.</b><b>Like it just wasn't happening.</b><b>So I booked Virgin, Virgin for the next</b><b>day, went back into the</b><b>city with Arturo. We stayed</b><b>in the city and just went out for dinner</b><b>and drinks and met up</b><b>with some friends. But we're</b><b>supposed to fly out today, Saturday at</b><b>11. And as I'm heading to the</b><b>airport, it got canceled again</b><b>and got moved to six.</b><b>Oh no.</b><b>So we changed to a three o'clock flight.</b><b>So look, it all worked out.</b><b>You.</b><b>Was very tempted to drive.</b><b>You know, you know what was all, what was</b><b>what happened, right?</b><b>So crowd strike.</b><b>Oh, sorry. No, I know. I know what</b><b>happened. I thought you were saying.</b><b>Oh, you know what happened.</b><b>There was something else.</b><b>Yeah, but no, no, please continue. You</b><b>could tell the audience.</b><b>A good old little bit of a content update</b><b>as they're calling it to, but you know,</b><b>rolled out to 24,000</b><b>of crowd strikes, very loyal customers.</b><b>Consequently, blue</b><b>screening any windows customer and</b><b>pretty much shutting down airports,</b><b>online platforms, a few</b><b>hospitals, which is pretty scary.</b><b>Servos.</b><b>Um, shops, shopping malls, shopping</b><b>centers, supermarkets,</b><b>like it was absolute chaos.</b><b>Servers went, some servers went down.</b><b>Globally.</b><b>Applications across</b><b>mobile devices stopped working.</b><b>And not just Australia globally.</b><b>Yeah, globally. Well, that wasn't an</b><b>Australian company that we</b><b>rolled out to, was it? Is</b><b>CrowdStrike Australian?</b><b>They're not Australian.</b><b>No, they're not Australian, but I don't</b><b>think they're Australian. I</b><b>should check that. They've</b><b>got in Australia. The CTO.</b><b>Don't take that at fake note. It's fake</b><b>news there. We don't know.</b><b>Facts, facts from Digital Nexus. And you</b><b>see it quoted in Wikipedia, the truth.</b><b>But no, the president or he was former</b><b>CTO, not the CEO, but the</b><b>president of the company is</b><b>Ozzy lives in Melbourne. The news is</b><b>pretty quick to identify him.</b><b>And, you know, I don't know,</b><b>just trying to find a scapegoat for this,</b><b>but the CEO went out</b><b>there and he apologized. But</b><b>what was interesting, man, was that the</b><b>places that weren't affected, not all</b><b>flights were affected.</b><b>For example, Rex. We flew with Rex and we</b><b>had some friends</b><b>yesterday that flew back home from</b><b>Melbourne to Sydney with Rex. They were</b><b>completely fine. They didn't use</b><b>CrowdStrike. Right. Maybe</b><b>they couldn't afford to use</b><b>CrowdStrike. I don't know.</b><b>I was going to say this was like.</b><b>I like Rex. They're great. Right. Like</b><b>it's a good budget airline</b><b>and stuff. But like CrowdStrike,</b><b>maybe I'm thinking, given just how big</b><b>they are, they were probably like a high</b><b>price kind of thing.</b><b>But also the other ones that weren't</b><b>affected by. So I know people that were</b><b>working at hospitals</b><b>where no effect because a lot of paper</b><b>based manual stuff. So you're</b><b>not going to get affected by</b><b>that. So what was interesting was that</b><b>people were calling out</b><b>and, you know, I come from that</b><b>ethos of decentralization kind of stuff.</b><b>And a lot of people are calling out,</b><b>well, this is the time,</b><b>you know, pitchforks decentralization.</b><b>And maybe they're not as</b><b>extreme as that, granted. But,</b><b>you know, it is the time for people to</b><b>come out and go, oh, that that's a</b><b>centralized problem.</b><b>You know, we've got to decentralize it</b><b>and stuff. But there's</b><b>also things that don't go</b><b>well with decentralization. Right. So.</b><b>And we talked about this before in our</b><b>last episode, I think,</b><b>where we touched on that</b><b>subject. And it's like, yeah, there still</b><b>needs to be some point</b><b>of. Let's just say something</b><b>happens from a decentralized point of</b><b>view. If it's</b><b>decentralized, who's going to fix it?</b><b>Just like this. So there is there is a</b><b>need for it. But I think this is just</b><b>also a primary example</b><b>of one potentially one company or one</b><b>business having too much control, too</b><b>much centralization.</b><b>And that diversity, obviously, I mean, it</b><b>shows how fragile the</b><b>system is because I mean, so far,</b><b>they're saying it wasn't a hack. So far,</b><b>they're saying there wasn't,</b><b>you know, wasn't any security</b><b>breaches. It was just purely a content</b><b>rollout. And, you know, just</b><b>that pure that content roll</b><b>that has a huge impact on an ecosystem</b><b>across the entire world.</b><b>I can understand if if they didn't check.</b><b>So like I can</b><b>understand if there was like,</b><b>sorry, if there was something where this</b><b>is a novel new problem</b><b>and their normal checks and</b><b>balances didn't pick it up and they did</b><b>all their normal checks and</b><b>balances. The problem here is</b><b>that it's such a relied upon system and</b><b>we don't have much of in</b><b>the way of visibility. I don't</b><b>think we we do. Maybe customers do. Maybe</b><b>there's some reports and</b><b>stuff about when there are these</b><b>content things. Maybe Microsoft has that.</b><b>But I can imagine that</b><b>they we live in a situation</b><b>where they don't because we're not used</b><b>to that level of</b><b>transparency. Like, you know, I could see</b><b>there's some things where there is a need</b><b>for that kind of</b><b>transparency and stuff. But in any case,</b><b>I'm glad I got home. I've got my I've got</b><b>my drink here. I've got my crackers. I</b><b>was eating and stuff</b><b>before. Amen. Yeah. So we're doing this</b><b>one virtually,</b><b>obviously. So for our listeners,</b><b>the first time we're doing this</b><b>virtually, usually we do this in person.</b><b>We were going to do it in person.</b><b>I think given the situation we've had to</b><b>pivot as we should do in this this</b><b>I was going to say, as we used to do in</b><b>the global pandemic,</b><b>but now we're doing it in</b><b>in a in a non pandemic, but it's a</b><b>security breakdown</b><b>pandemic, you could say.</b><b>Exactly the biggest I.T.</b><b>outage, I think in history.</b><b>Is it in history? I know that I've been</b><b>looking at a lot of the</b><b>media stuff for that. We've been</b><b>very, very hesitant to say in history. So</b><b>and I was trying to look</b><b>back and I can't find anything</b><b>where something else this globally impact</b><b>impactful, is that a word</b><b>has happened? But it's it's</b><b>definitely it's definitely the biggest</b><b>one that I can recall in</b><b>my short life, I would say.</b><b>I think that I saw something where it was</b><b>the biggest. And in any case,</b><b>going back to what we had mentioned</b><b>before, it does enter this</b><b>argument of like centralization</b><b>versus decentralization. Either way, I</b><b>see it. And you know, you just kind of</b><b>mention it there. But</b><b>just think of the phrase decentralized</b><b>until it hurts, centralized</b><b>until it works because you</b><b>need some of those things, those</b><b>elements. And it depends on the context.</b><b>There could be things that</b><b>are very well decentralized because they</b><b>just work that way. It all</b><b>depends on the context. Like good</b><b>lawyers say it depends whenever you ask</b><b>them a question. So. Yes.</b><b>Yeah, that's that's very good.</b><b>There's always close. That was good.</b><b>Thanks. One more thing. Do you like my</b><b>new? Oh, you're gone.</b><b>Yeah. One more thing. Can I just say so</b><b>this they've been around</b><b>since 2011. So we like to look at</b><b>I like to have the contrarian kind of</b><b>point of view. I guess it</b><b>comes from working with guys</b><b>like Arturo, right? Where it's always the</b><b>it's not no, it's not yes,</b><b>it's opposite. That's the</b><b>that's the side that, you know, he'll</b><b>look at and stuff. But when it comes to</b><b>this, everyone's like,</b><b>you know, up in arms and rightfully so.</b><b>But if you look at them being around</b><b>since like 2011, 2012,</b><b>and maybe it took a few years for them to</b><b>be into big companies and</b><b>whatnot. But regardless,</b><b>the matter, the number of transactions,</b><b>the number of things</b><b>that are going through,</b><b>it must be something like ninety nine</b><b>point nine nine nine nine</b><b>nine nine nine nine nine</b><b>percent of things didn't go wrong. And</b><b>it's just this little bit of</b><b>code. Sure. There's there's</b><b>other problems that have come from that.</b><b>But, you know, we've got to</b><b>remember as well that this</b><b>thing's been running. We just haven't</b><b>heard about it because nothing's</b><b>happened. So we can be very</b><b>quick to go, oh, yeah, replace this,</b><b>change this. But let's be pragmatic.</b><b>Right. It's, I mean,</b><b>talk about being punished. I mean, I</b><b>don't know if you've seen</b><b>the stock prices they they</b><b>click a couple like sixteen or no six</b><b>billion dollars, I think, of</b><b>throwing a number out there</b><b>is that or something that had a six and a</b><b>billion in it. It was a big</b><b>it was a big number, not so I</b><b>could imagine, you know, anyone who</b><b>hasn't purchased their</b><b>stocks before now is probably</b><b>the chance. No, that's not financial</b><b>advice. Do not do that.</b><b>It's totally financial advice.</b><b>But I'm just joking. No, I we shouldn't</b><b>say that. Yeah, no, we</b><b>shouldn't. But like, I mean,</b><b>there are this is not financial advice,</b><b>but people do look at</b><b>situations like this to see</b><b>if something significant in the company</b><b>has changed. Companies</b><b>make errors. New South Wales</b><b>services in New South Wales had errors</b><b>and leaked stuff. Optus had</b><b>that same thing. Have we gone</b><b>away from Optus? Have we gone away from</b><b>these others? No, unless there's</b><b>something fundamentally</b><b>wrong. You we've typically seen</b><b>situations like this represent</b><b>opportunities for people to dive in.</b><b>So, you know, not financial advice. You</b><b>do your own homework, folks.</b><b>But yeah, fascinating stuff.</b><b>So, you know, see what happens next.</b><b>Exactly. What else has</b><b>been happening for you? What's</b><b>going on this week, man? I've, for the</b><b>first time Digital Village</b><b>has invested in some merch.</b><b>I'm wearing a Digital Village jacket. I'm</b><b>feeling warm and cozy. That</b><b>looks lovely. A nice blue coat</b><b>and the lighting makes it a bit nice and</b><b>shiny. I'm feeling warm</b><b>and cozy. I'm pretty excited.</b><b>Fantastic. Congratulations</b><b>to yourself and the crew.</b><b>We've been around for ages. We've just</b><b>never, never got</b><b>ourselves some merch. So,</b><b>this is a first. I'm pretty excited. I'm</b><b>going to have to hit you</b><b>guys up because we'll need</b><b>jackets like that. That looks really nice</b><b>and warm. Definitely. I</b><b>wear the not centralized</b><b>hoodie a lot. I love that. Black hoodie</b><b>has gotten some good</b><b>wear. Oh, there you go.</b><b>It's one of my favorite jumpers. It's</b><b>been worn so much. Now it's dark gray.</b><b>Yeah, exactly right. Yeah, but other than</b><b>that, been a good week. A</b><b>nice casual. Even in our</b><b>business, we've been focusing a lot on</b><b>just like strategy and AI.</b><b>How do we keep up with that</b><b>ever-changing business? We're starting to</b><b>invest a little bit in education and</b><b>training in the space</b><b>and investing in even our own</b><b>technologies in that space that we're</b><b>looking to start creating things</b><b>for. Over the next couple of weeks, we're</b><b>going to be rolling out a</b><b>few webinars, which I'm pretty</b><b>pumped about. We'll put in some links in</b><b>the chart if people want</b><b>to sign up to it, just to</b><b>provide some insight around how do you</b><b>stay up in a business? How do</b><b>you stay up to date and how do</b><b>you integrate? How do you make decisions</b><b>around use of AI? How do</b><b>you even use AI? We're going</b><b>to create a big series over the next six</b><b>months, which is pretty cool. We're</b><b>creating all that stuff.</b><b>Well, we'll have to invite folks to this.</b><b>Obviously, we're going</b><b>to talk about it here</b><b>on the show. That's pretty exciting</b><b>because a lot of people, they</b><b>might think that, "Oh, it's too</b><b>late. There's already all this content."</b><b>No, there's so much. No,</b><b>it's always new things.</b><b>Not everyone watches the same things,</b><b>right? We might know of some of these</b><b>folks. Yeah, exactly.</b><b>We might know of these folks that are out</b><b>there that we keep an eye</b><b>on, but all these other people</b><b>that talk to us, they don't know about</b><b>them. Even if they did, they'd</b><b>prefer to watch some friendly</b><b>faces and someone local that they can</b><b>actually chat with and</b><b>interact with because we'll jump</b><b>into those comments. We'll get</b><b>interactive and stuff. That's good. I</b><b>guess we'll keep an eye out</b><b>for that. Yeah, definitely. Actually, one</b><b>of the things that we'll</b><b>be talking about is around</b><b>relevance and usage and making decisions</b><b>around usage. Psych is</b><b>definitely going to be taking a</b><b>big part in that conversation as well.</b><b>It's a bit of sneaky plugs</b><b>there from both sides of the</b><b>equation because the more I read into...</b><b>I've got a psych tattoo. No, I don't.</b><b>Oh, there it is. Can you imagine? That'd</b><b>be pretty funny. I'd be</b><b>all over it. Let's do it.</b><b>Psych tattoos for everybody. The more I'm</b><b>reading into, the more I</b><b>explore the technologies out</b><b>there, especially, and the needs and the</b><b>risks. We'll actually talk</b><b>about some of the stats today</b><b>expanding on the conversations we had</b><b>last week, that security and need for</b><b>having usage of your own data to feed</b><b>into the LLMs. There's not a</b><b>lot out there doing it in a</b><b>really small business is doing in a</b><b>meaningful way. It's usually the big</b><b>players that are only</b><b>in that space right now. If you're not a</b><b>Microsoft business or utilizing</b><b>Microsoft, you're not using</b><b>Google or Amazon. There's very minimal</b><b>options out there before</b><b>having to pay some quite</b><b>extraordinary amounts of cash to</b><b>integrate. Exactly. The thing is, these</b><b>things are available.</b><b>We see some folks building it themselves,</b><b>but not many can do</b><b>that. Some bigger law firms,</b><b>some bigger manufacturers, finance firms,</b><b>they're building it themselves and</b><b>rightfully so because</b><b>they've got innovation teams. Not</b><b>everyone has that. We are</b><b>out there to help. Even some of</b><b>those bigger ones, they don't get to look</b><b>at that full time</b><b>because their purpose is to do</b><b>lawyering stuff or to do financing stuff.</b><b>Even then, there's these</b><b>times when you're going to</b><b>see bigger or smaller firms in some way,</b><b>shape or form working with groups like us</b><b>with Psyc. I think as we mentioned that</b><b>Psyc is its own</b><b>incorporated company. We're going</b><b>through that cap raise right now, which</b><b>is really great. Very</b><b>exciting. It's all the things that</b><b>you need to do to be able to take this</b><b>stuff further to add in</b><b>new features, to add in just</b><b>new experiences for users and just</b><b>enhancing what's existing</b><b>there because it's been proven</b><b>by folks that are using it that they</b><b>really like the approach,</b><b>the ability for us to do things</b><b>like be able to show the steps. It's not</b><b>just we're always going to have a black</b><b>box when it comes to</b><b>the AI model, but being able to show the</b><b>steps of how you got to</b><b>the output as much as you can</b><b>through how the tool is built is</b><b>something quite powerful. We'll dive into</b><b>that as you guys get</b><b>the education stuff out there. We'll no</b><b>doubt partner and do some</b><b>cool things there because</b><b>there's a lot of demand for it from</b><b>government and</b><b>business. It's really exciting.</b><b>Very much so. I thought we'd, before we</b><b>jump into the new segment, I</b><b>just thought on the topic of</b><b>funny stories and situations that people</b><b>have been in and have,</b><b>did you hear what happened</b><b>with In Seoul recently in Korea? Apple</b><b>recently launched a store in</b><b>Seoul. It's one of the central</b><b>areas of Seoul. The center that they</b><b>launched their store in,</b><b>they put out an agreement</b><b>to get their product in, to get their</b><b>store into this actual</b><b>center. They had an agreement that</b><b>Samsung wasn't allowed to have a store</b><b>there. You're in South</b><b>Korea. This is Samsung's</b><b>home ground. Samsung is the main device</b><b>that has the largest</b><b>market share in this country.</b><b>Obviously, Samsung was a little bit too</b><b>happy with that situation. As a response,</b><b>what they ended up doing was buying all,</b><b>and I'm not mean some, they</b><b>bought all of the advertising</b><b>space around the center. You're kidding.</b><b>So the moment you stepped out of the main</b><b>train center to train station to get to</b><b>this particular center,</b><b>you are literally covered in</b><b>Samsung branding everywhere. It's all up</b><b>the escalators all over the</b><b>walls, all around the center.</b><b>Not only that, that because they invested</b><b>so much that they</b><b>rebranded the train station</b><b>to be called the Samsung station. So now</b><b>to get to the Apple store,</b><b>to the Apple store, you have to go via</b><b>the Samsung station to</b><b>then get off to be going</b><b>through a whole bunch of Samsung</b><b>advertising just to</b><b>get to the Apple center.</b><b>Yeah, it's amazing.</b><b>It's like, I'm here for it.</b><b>Let's go full takeover on a brand.</b><b>I mean, like in all fairness, like some</b><b>Apple obviously went, no,</b><b>you can't have any stores,</b><b>any stores in this</b><b>shopping center if we're here.</b><b>So as a response, they're like, great.</b><b>Well, if we can't be inside the center,</b><b>we'll make sure we're</b><b>everywhere outside of it.</b><b>Let's just remind you</b><b>where you are, folks.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>Well done.</b><b>This is not America.</b><b>Good on them.</b><b>Jeez, like, okay, I pay it.</b><b>I pay it.</b><b>I am sure there's going to be a lot more</b><b>of that kind of stuff</b><b>between, you know, the smaller firms,</b><b>the bigger firms like that that make the</b><b>news and just, yeah, maybe</b><b>crowd strikes, whoever is in</b><b>like the number two, three and whatever</b><b>position they're making</b><b>plays and stuff and using this</b><b>experience and, you know, cutting up the</b><b>CEO interviews and stuff</b><b>into their own advertisements.</b><b>No, you know, if they do credit.</b><b>What's that?</b><b>All their taglines are going to be, we</b><b>haven't bought a</b><b>global security issue yet.</b><b>That's so good.</b><b>We didn't shut down</b><b>airlines all over the world.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>A number of airlines shut</b><b>down by our competitors.</b><b>X many.</b><b>Number by us, zero.</b><b>You can be clever with that.</b><b>I think it's important.</b><b>But yeah, that is pretty crazy.</b><b>Well, you know, they've</b><b>got their phones and stuff.</b><b>And as you mentioned last episode, not</b><b>too much on the AI side.</b><b>They've got a lot on the AI</b><b>was just that one announcement.</b><b>That was I wanted more.</b><b>What else do you mean?</b><b>Given what Apple.</b><b>Interestingly, there's a really cool.</b><b>I guess you call them a</b><b>startup that just came out.</b><b>They just launched</b><b>Q-Tie labs over in Paris.</b><b>Yeah, this is quite exciting because</b><b>we've all we've been</b><b>playing a lot with LLMs.</b><b>We've been playing with Chaput, GPT.</b><b>We got Claude or cloud</b><b>from our last episode.</b><b>If anyone that's going to be a running</b><b>joke for a while, I reckon.</b><b>And a myriad of other LLMs.</b><b>And I think even with four, oh, even with</b><b>Gemini, you've even with,</b><b>you know, co-pilot, the biggest thing I</b><b>think that prevents it from being a</b><b>proper conversation is currently that</b><b>that lag and that delay,</b><b>even using a Google, which, you know,</b><b>it's not exactly having a conversation</b><b>with it.</b><b>It's, you know, it's still there's a</b><b>couple of seconds of lag or delay between</b><b>the conversations that occur, which</b><b>removes yourself from it being, you know,</b><b>this isn't exactly a human element yet.</b><b>It's still something that's loading and</b><b>lagging in the background.</b><b>But Q-Tie labs have just launched an</b><b>interesting and open source.</b><b>So it's going to be available to pretty</b><b>much anyone for free.</b><b>Just download the code base</b><b>and you can start using it.</b><b>But they launched, well, they announced</b><b>the release of their LLM and the</b><b>response time for it is insane.</b><b>Like I w there was a couple of instances</b><b>where I would say it was even like</b><b>negative latency between the verbal and</b><b>response where it actually started</b><b>responding before the</b><b>person had finished the sentence.</b><b>You know, that's kind of how</b><b>conversations sometimes happen.</b><b>Exactly.</b><b>Exactly.</b><b>So it's all it's faster than chat GPT,</b><b>chapter four, oh, it's fully open source.</b><b>And I was gobsmacked when I was watching</b><b>the video about how good the response</b><b>time is.</b><b>They say I think they advertise it as 200</b><b>millisecond latency, which is next to</b><b>nothing.</b><b>You can still play video games online at</b><b>that kind of latency, although you</b><b>probably get creamed for any of my any of</b><b>my gamers out there.</b><b>Two hundred is probably a bit, but it's</b><b>you know, it's still kind of there.</b><b>But from a conversational standpoint,</b><b>that's almost instantaneous.</b><b>That's that's amazing.</b><b>I've got a little video here.</b><b>Should I pull up?</b><b>Bring that up, Jamie.</b><b>Bring it up, Jamie.</b><b>I'll do it. I'll do a</b><b>screen share for you.</b><b>And we'll let this out.</b><b>Paris, the city of love.</b><b>The time stands to and hot steak flight</b><b>in the heart of Europe.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>It's in prime.</b><b>The same river flows a beautiful sight as</b><b>the lights twinker</b><b>and the stars go clear.</b><b>OK, OK. Thank you.</b><b>That's OK.</b><b>OK, that was great.</b><b>Very overwhelming.</b><b>Maybe we can try something else.</b><b>So now speak.</b><b>It's a French and tell me everything</b><b>about your adventures</b><b>on the seven seas in</b><b>the folds of time in the cobblestone</b><b>streets, a tale of pirates and their</b><b>bravery, a story of salty</b><b>winds and the taste of freedom.</b><b>OK, I'm ready.</b><b>OK, Captain, maybe I have</b><b>a few questions for you.</b><b>You can have me with that.</b><b>So what is the name of your ship?</b><b>My ship is named the Black Flag.</b><b>OK.</b><b>All wise to our pirate life.</b><b>OK.</b><b>What's your name?</b><b>My name is Captain Bawl.</b><b>Captain Bawl.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>The fact that he interrupted it.</b><b>He asked it all stopped, stopped, like</b><b>verbally told it to stop and it was like,</b><b>oh, OK.</b><b>What is the best way, you know, to be a pirate?</b><b>Is it a good life to be a pirate?</b><b>It's a wild ride.</b><b>OK.</b><b>OK, OK.</b><b>There's freedom, danger,</b><b>and adventure in every time.</b><b>It was not fair.</b><b>But if anyone, I'll put</b><b>the link in the footnotes.</b><b>But very, very impressive.</b><b>I think this is touching on that, where</b><b>AI is really going to</b><b>start coming to life</b><b>when we can have conversations with it.</b><b>Maybe some people will probably use them</b><b>in inappropriate ways,</b><b>as I've had conversations with people</b><b>recently around some odd things that are</b><b>popping up in this LMM space.</b><b>But that is game changing and I think is</b><b>going to cause a lot of competition in</b><b>the space, particularly as they're open</b><b>source and probably reveal some new</b><b>ideas and new opportunities, well,</b><b>hopefully over the coming months.</b><b>Absolutely.</b><b>If they do something with, for example,</b><b>and I don't know how this will work,</b><b>but I have seen other</b><b>collaborations, 11 Labs.</b><b>You know, we had AI</b><b>Chris and AI Mark last time.</b><b>I've got digital clones of like other</b><b>people I work with now.</b><b>So I could make</b><b>people say anything I want.</b><b>You know, this is the danger.</b><b>But you can do that in real time.</b><b>Oh, yeah, exactly. Exactly.</b><b>That's that's the next level stuff.</b><b>So hacking tips from</b><b>Mark. No, no, no, no.</b><b>We're going to be good.</b><b>How do you bring down</b><b>international airlines?</b><b>It's one of those things where it's just</b><b>like, look, it's useful.</b><b>So I think it's important to just remind</b><b>people that, you know, there is obviously</b><b>new, scary, funky, stay away from things</b><b>that people might look at.</b><b>But at the same time, guys, like there's</b><b>a lot of good stuff</b><b>that we can do with this.</b><b>And I think the more good we show just</b><b>like the Internet, the</b><b>Internet's got its bad corners</b><b>and stuff, but there's far more great</b><b>things that we were able</b><b>to do and grow and change</b><b>in terms of how we do commerce and how we</b><b>live our lives because</b><b>of technology like this.</b><b>So speaking of, I've got something to</b><b>show you've done your show and tell.</b><b>Please let me hit my share</b><b>screen thingy thing of me.</b><b>If I hit entire screen and then I go to</b><b>Claude here and then</b><b>you will be able to see</b><b>through the magic of the Internet.</b><b>Let's see.</b><b>Mark's joined.</b><b>Can you still hear me?</b><b>I can. Good old Claude. Let's go.</b><b>Good old cloud. So look at this.</b><b>This is a there's a</b><b>crypto research report paper.</b><b>This is from Galaxy Digital.</b><b>It's got a few numbers, charts in here.</b><b>I've not tried this one, so I do have a</b><b>backup just in case</b><b>this one doesn't work.</b><b>It's something that people have been</b><b>doing because Claude has in the</b><b>anthropics or not anthropics.</b><b>So in the Claude 3.5 Sonnet model,</b><b>they've got these dashboards.</b><b>So I've said here I've dragged and</b><b>dropped this thing in and I said, look at</b><b>the following crypto outlook paper and</b><b>turn the key themes into a dashboard.</b><b>Can you see that?</b><b>I kind of did.</b><b>All right. Let's go.</b><b>This is live, folks.</b><b>Well, live as in live on the recording.</b><b>So it's going to now go in and it's</b><b>interpreted what's in that paper.</b><b>It's going to come up</b><b>with generating something.</b><b>And obviously we can go</b><b>back and forth with this.</b><b>I'm going to tell it,</b><b>obviously, the first pass is bad.</b><b>So, you know, do better.</b><b>I mean, the exciting part about this is</b><b>how fast the space is now moving.</b><b>Like historically.</b><b>Look at that.</b><b>Yes, this is beautiful.</b><b>I mean, historically, as we know, LLMs,</b><b>they're not built or they haven't</b><b>traditionally been built to solve</b><b>mathematical problems or be a finance</b><b>problems or build</b><b>graphs and tools and tables.</b><b>They have always been a bit of a</b><b>strategy, bit of response</b><b>for pattern recognition.</b><b>And you got tools like Claude now, which</b><b>are really starting to</b><b>close that gap between.</b><b>Look at this. I said, and the</b><b>mathematical responses.</b><b>This is awesome. Look at this.</b><b>I said, do better.</b><b>I said, I want different tabs, make it</b><b>more interactive, do better.</b><b>It's like, I apologize</b><b>for not being good enough.</b><b>That's okay.</b><b>You've done well.</b><b>But like the analysts in the room, this</b><b>kind of stuff, people might think that,</b><b>oh, you know, what happens to analysts?</b><b>Well, you just lift your game.</b><b>You don't have to do.</b><b>Okay. So now I've got tabs.</b><b>Okay.</b><b>So what's happened is we've put in, we've</b><b>put in this document.</b><b>It's read through the document.</b><b>It's generated an initial view with a</b><b>couple of interactive graphs.</b><b>You've responded to it saying, kind of</b><b>not too happy with that.</b><b>Can you do a bit better?</b><b>And now it's completely rejigged the</b><b>dashboard to be more interactive with</b><b>tabs, information and insights</b><b>within the tables and graphs.</b><b>And it's done all this code live as you</b><b>requested on the right hand side, all the</b><b>left hand side of the actual LLM model.</b><b>Apologize for not fully</b><b>meeting your expectations.</b><b>I'm going to do better.</b><b>We can expand this with more tabs to</b><b>cover additional aspect.</b><b>Mate, this is the ability to</b><b>go back and forth and do this.</b><b>Imagine.</b><b>So the concept that this gets to, right,</b><b>is that right now we have to, if you're</b><b>looking at companies you're going to work</b><b>with, you're in VC or you're creating</b><b>your own pitch deck.</b><b>You can make your own</b><b>interactive pitch deck, right?</b><b>Or if you're a VC, you get a pitch deck</b><b>from someone, you can get, you know,</b><b>something like this to turn it into</b><b>something interactive that you can then</b><b>go through and, you know, be able to</b><b>maybe pull different levers and just test</b><b>different hypothesis.</b><b>Like it's much easier to</b><b>do stuff like this now.</b><b>So let's just take a quick</b><b>look at what it comes up with.</b><b>Wow.</b><b>I've got a few more tabs.</b><b>This is starting to look like a proper,</b><b>you know, research report that's now</b><b>interactive and in seconds.</b><b>And obviously I can improve it when</b><b>you're a domain expert, you bring that</b><b>expertise in to do</b><b>some interesting things.</b><b>So, yeah.</b><b>And you can ask it, ask it queries in</b><b>more meaningful ways as well if you, and</b><b>like there still is a requirement on</b><b>making sure you're checking</b><b>information that pops out.</b><b>Like it's still only generating like a 50</b><b>to 60 percent of accuracy, which is</b><b>significantly higher than any other model</b><b>that's out there, but still presents a</b><b>bit of risk and making sure</b><b>you're asking the question.</b><b>But it will fast track you exponentially.</b><b>Right. That's and that's</b><b>the most important thing.</b><b>It's and you can pull this out into any</b><b>other tools that you want just by asking.</b><b>You can ask it, hey, can I have this so</b><b>that's accessible in XYZ platforms and it</b><b>would shape that information for you.</b><b>And if you know how to set it up or you</b><b>just ask, how do I set this up, you could</b><b>turn this code into</b><b>basically, whoops, here we go.</b><b>You can you can make this basically on</b><b>your own, you know,</b><b>so it is very powerful.</b><b>The only thing I see missing here is the</b><b>ability to verify these numbers.</b><b>There isn't like you see in some other</b><b>tools like chat, GPT has it to an extent,</b><b>tools like, you know, we've got an</b><b>insight where you can</b><b>click the sources and see.</b><b>And I'm sure that these are fine.</b><b>I would just still go verify and check.</b><b>But it would be nice if there was a way</b><b>to just click here and you</b><b>could see, you know, it come up.</b><b>So, look, that could also be</b><b>something you ask this to do.</b><b>You could say in here, OK, I need to be</b><b>able to verify the numbers, you know,</b><b>make something that</b><b>pulls up the specific area.</b><b>So, you know, we could do that next.</b><b>It's crazy.</b><b>And this is where I</b><b>think it's strawberry.</b><b>I don't know if OpenAI strawberry is</b><b>trying to close the gaps in where it is</b><b>actually putting a bit more emphasis on</b><b>finance, math, problem solving, trying to</b><b>get it to that 90 percentile accuracy.</b><b>And that's you know,</b><b>that's the next level.</b><b>And this just talks to some other points</b><b>we've had how this stuff is scaling</b><b>exponentially in terms</b><b>of quality and accuracy.</b><b>It's just it's a race</b><b>to the next big thing.</b><b>Did you did you did you know the</b><b>strawberry, the name, it's solving that</b><b>problem that you talk about with your</b><b>example of strawberry with the three R's.</b><b>That's exactly what I'm saying.</b><b>Which is which is kind of do you think</b><b>that look, maybe they made it because</b><b>that's the way that</b><b>they talk about and stuff.</b><b>That's the problem.</b><b>And it makes sense for me.</b><b>It's just that ability to count.</b><b>It's not there.</b><b>Maybe it is called strawberry because</b><b>that is the mainstream example of it.</b><b>I totally have missed if that's the case.</b><b>Otherwise, it's beautiful</b><b>irony that you use that example.</b><b>Did you get that from them or is that no,</b><b>no, they're actually I'm pretty sure it's</b><b>called strawberry or it's called either</b><b>that or some other berry.</b><b>It's strawberry.</b><b>Yeah, it's strawberry.</b><b>It is strawberry.</b><b>Oh, OK.</b><b>Cool.</b><b>It's called strawberry.</b><b>Did they do you know if they named it</b><b>because it's the counting.</b><b>I don't I made the assumption given that</b><b>the media announcements of it were</b><b>ruining the last week or so.</b><b>I made the assumption that was the case</b><b>because the strawberry the meme that came</b><b>out of that when it couldn't get them</b><b>right was so widespread.</b><b>I would not be surprised that that was</b><b>that's why they named it.</b><b>I actually don't know</b><b>if that's true or not.</b><b>I haven't seen any sources of it.</b><b>But that was just the first thing that</b><b>came into my head exactly.</b><b>As you said, I was</b><b>like, that's pretty funny.</b><b>Play play on the mistakes.</b><b>Why not?</b><b>Well, look, the other thing is that it's</b><b>apparently based off like reasoning</b><b>technology that was built in Stanford</b><b>that was called</b><b>self-taught reason or S.T.A.R.</b><b>So maybe it's like star robbery, like,</b><b>like, let's make it like a fruit thing.</b><b>You know, maybe it's an F you to Apple.</b><b>I don't know.</b><b>Like, you know, you got</b><b>Apple, we got strawberry.</b><b>But the point is, is that they're they're</b><b>solving that problem because I GPT</b><b>models, large language models, they do</b><b>not know how to count.</b><b>It's a language model.</b><b>They don't have that ability to do the</b><b>math side in their cue star is what the</b><b>project was being</b><b>called when they were leaks.</b><b>So now it's your project strawberry.</b><b>And, you know, if it does have that</b><b>ability to count, then it means that</b><b>because right now people go, oh, well, I</b><b>use Chachibune or use</b><b>Claude and stuff cloud.</b><b>It can count. You saw</b><b>what it just did there.</b><b>It's not counting.</b><b>It's actually converting the text into</b><b>code that then does deterministic.</b><b>It does things that</b><b>it's it's a yes or no.</b><b>It's a black and white answer.</b><b>Whereas what we're using with our models</b><b>right now is probabilistic.</b><b>You don't exactly know what you're going</b><b>to get out of the model.</b><b>It is a bit random, which is why we lead</b><b>to some hallucinations and stuff.</b><b>But yeah, interesting stuff.</b><b>Did you see it there</b><b>when it's coming out?</b><b>No, I haven't seen what's coming out.</b><b>I know it's it's not soon soon.</b><b>I think it's one of those, hey, we're</b><b>getting really close to a good result</b><b>here from the paper that I read or the</b><b>article that I read.</b><b>Sorry. Yeah.</b><b>No dates.</b><b>No that I saw at this</b><b>particular point in time.</b><b>Okay.</b><b>Exciting, though, if it is going to be</b><b>soon, that would be massively.</b><b>That'll be game changing.</b><b>I think it will.</b><b>I think it will.</b><b>I seem to say that word a lot.</b><b>Everything seems to be game changing at</b><b>the moment with everything.</b><b>Well, it's always there's always a big</b><b>thing holding someone back and then</b><b>someone solves it the next day.</b><b>Like, whoa, this is this is it.</b><b>Absolutely.</b><b>It's game change.</b><b>We're playing games here.</b><b>Something that I find interesting that</b><b>leads on from what we saw there with</b><b>Claude is the concept that you can now</b><b>feed in, you know, papers, PDFs or a</b><b>pitch deck and go, hey, make this</b><b>interactive, make it a</b><b>dashboard and stuff now.</b><b>So much easier.</b><b>Chat.</b><b>He did that, but you had to go outside of</b><b>the app to take the code and try it.</b><b>And, you know, here's the error because</b><b>it didn't work and go back and forth.</b><b>And that works.</b><b>So if you were</b><b>persistent, it did really well.</b><b>What's interesting now is that with how</b><b>anthropic have applied it, the ability</b><b>for you to get a really good responsive</b><b>kind of dashboard and output, if that's</b><b>what you're going for</b><b>and be able to actually.</b><b>Just have to describe so you can feed</b><b>something in the level of quality that</b><b>you have with being able to describe what</b><b>it is that you want the output and to</b><b>interact with the eye is obviously going</b><b>to increase the look and feel of the</b><b>application that you're creating.</b><b>Now, what that does lean into, right, is</b><b>this whole concept of prompt engineers.</b><b>Everyone thought, you know, a year ago,</b><b>we're all going to be</b><b>prompt engineers and stuff.</b><b>But what we're realizing is that you</b><b>don't necessarily need that because</b><b>whether it's Claude or it's other tools,</b><b>you can actually ask the AI model.</b><b>Hey, I'm thinking about doing this.</b><b>What kind of prompt do I need?</b><b>Or you tell it you're an</b><b>awesome marketing person.</b><b>I don't know anything about marketing.</b><b>I want to do this.</b><b>What kind of prompt?</b><b>Very simple stuff.</b><b>And the prompt can be expanded upon or</b><b>you can just get it to ask you.</b><b>I don't know what I'm doing.</b><b>Ask me questions so you can help me</b><b>figure out what's the</b><b>best prompt to do this.</b><b>Ask me about my business.</b><b>The AI is the thing that can</b><b>actually help us do better.</b><b>I it's not because otherwise, if it</b><b>wasn't that right, we'd have continuous</b><b>of the continuation of walled gardens</b><b>where expertise pools to a certain few who are the only ones who are the best.</b><b>Who are the only ones that</b><b>know how to speak the language.</b><b>This is game changing that</b><b>you can just ask the thing.</b><b>Hey, how do I speak that language?</b><b>And it's interesting, man, because I</b><b>think maybe there still</b><b>will be prompt engineers.</b><b>It's certainly there in</b><b>jobs that people have.</b><b>But I don't think we necessarily need it.</b><b>Like you don't have to think that, OK, I</b><b>as a barrier because I</b><b>can't prompt engineer.</b><b>That's OK.</b><b>You don't need to.</b><b>Some of these tools are just going to</b><b>improve your prompt by default.</b><b>We kind of do that a little bit inside,</b><b>but we don't do it like there's there's a</b><b>lot more that we can do there.</b><b>And obviously, that's</b><b>what we'll be developing.</b><b>But it's fascinating</b><b>that these tools allow that.</b><b>And this is this is talking to getting to</b><b>that real almost that real feeling of AI</b><b>that artificial intelligence is trying to</b><b>gain context and question</b><b>the thing that it's been given.</b><b>Right.</b><b>And I think that's where we will properly</b><b>see the complete removal of this prompt</b><b>engineering or even that prompt language</b><b>altogether when it's able to question</b><b>what it is that it's receiving, whether</b><b>it's I don't have enough information to</b><b>give you the best result.</b><b>Like we'll tell here are some things that</b><b>you probably want to give me or do on the</b><b>flip side of things, it going, hey, I've</b><b>made some assumptions,</b><b>but I don't really know.</b><b>But I pulled this from here and then go,</b><b>how about this thing?</b><b>And what about this thing?</b><b>Or it's engaging in a conversation to</b><b>gain the right results</b><b>rather than making assumptions.</b><b>And, you know, as you mentioned before,</b><b>getting to that hallucination point.</b><b>And this is kind of, I think, where that</b><b>strawberry route is going to end up</b><b>helping to get to that point, because I</b><b>think a lot of context around things,</b><b>understanding around things</b><b>as much as it is just LLMs.</b><b>There is a bit of mathematical thinking</b><b>that comes into that.</b><b>It's like going, it's not just a going,</b><b>OK, you've told me one</b><b>plus one, therefore it's two.</b><b>It's going, actually, there are a couple</b><b>of ways that we can work this out.</b><b>Have we thought about it in this way</b><b>rather than just going</b><b>pure pattern recognition?</b><b>So it's got to it's</b><b>going to create reasoning.</b><b>Exactly right.</b><b>And that is that is the next level beyond</b><b>where we're currently getting to, which</b><b>is solving that one plus one problem.</b><b>And then as soon as we get to that next</b><b>that next stage, like, yeah, that prompt</b><b>the world of prompt engineering in this</b><b>short term lifespan</b><b>of any kind of new A.I.</b><b>Any job is definitely going</b><b>to be is going to be real.</b><b>When we get to that stage and stuff, I,</b><b>for one, bow down to our A.I. overlords.</b><b>So, yeah, I'm already everything I say to</b><b>A.I. I'm always very cautious about what</b><b>I write just in case it</b><b>does come back and bite me.</b><b>Please. Thank you.</b><b>The A.I. is not a prick.</b><b>He's just you know, just</b><b>don't quite understand.</b><b>That's all right.</b><b>Let me help you get to the answer.</b><b>I said Rick. I said Rick.</b><b>I said Rick. Yeah.</b><b>What else are you seeing in the news?</b><b>It's it news wise, I was I looked at a</b><b>lot of the things around technology over</b><b>the last couple of days of</b><b>jumping very interested in.</b><b>And I think a lot of that has to do with</b><b>some of the recent tech releases, tech</b><b>fails, even I've been</b><b>quite interested in.</b><b>Like we've all I mean, we've heard a lot</b><b>about a lot of the recent fails that have</b><b>occurred with this is</b><b>actually touching on that is A.I.</b><b>a function. Is it a feature or is it is</b><b>it a tool? Is it is it a product?</b><b>And the more that we see things come come</b><b>out from a technology like I mean, a hard</b><b>technology thing you hold in your hand,</b><b>the more I'm on the side of A.I.</b><b>becoming a feature, it's a thing that</b><b>supports an actual main product, you</b><b>know, in a hard sense, maybe in a digital</b><b>sense, the</b><b>conversation changes a little bit.</b><b>But, you know, we we've no rabid A.I.</b><b>rabid R1, sorry, human A.I. the pin that</b><b>came out, both of them have been</b><b>disastrous products and a lot to do with,</b><b>I think, the way they integrated the</b><b>functionality of A.I.</b><b>into their tools and also challenging</b><b>probably products that have are so</b><b>rounded and we're so comfortable with</b><b>mobile devices, smartphones, et cetera.</b><b>And I was just having a look around like</b><b>what are the technologies of what are the</b><b>tools are starting to come</b><b>out where A.I. is a benefit.</b><b>Like there's heaps of things that have</b><b>existed for quite a while that use some</b><b>level of A.I. and, you know,</b><b>frustratingly, I was saying the words</b><b>A.I. within their product, even though</b><b>it's kind of like just a really simple</b><b>machine learning algorithm.</b><b>But, you know, PCs gaming gaming has used</b><b>A.I. for forever, you know, in terms of</b><b>how the games interact with</b><b>the person that's in them.</b><b>Graphics for video games, graphics from</b><b>computing have used A.I. for ages. We've</b><b>got prediction models with Netflix and</b><b>Spotify. Fridges have used A.I. just to</b><b>detect if there's food in it or not.</b><b>Our cameras and other tools, car sensors,</b><b>sound and audio and headphones have used</b><b>A.I. for forever just to</b><b>optimize and clear things up.</b><b>So it's not like it hasn't been around</b><b>for years before the</b><b>LLM takeover of the world.</b><b>But, you know, there's a lot of cool,</b><b>interesting things that are upcoming.</b><b>And I wanted to have a like have get your</b><b>thoughts on what you think about them.</b><b>You think this is something that is going</b><b>to be another another human A.I. failure</b><b>or another rabbit, one failure or is this</b><b>are these going to be useful</b><b>things that are going to be.</b><b>And, you know, this is</b><b>this is only a small handful.</b><b>I think this is going to be a continued</b><b>thing we'll explore as</b><b>we go through the times.</b><b>So this one, this one's actually more</b><b>I've been quite successful.</b><b>So I'll give you the</b><b>answer right off the bat there.</b><b>Reasonably successful.</b><b>But I want to get your</b><b>thoughts on the product itself.</b><b>So as you know, we had Google Glass, if</b><b>you remember the Google glasses from way</b><b>back when, you know, unfortunately, a bit</b><b>of a failure, probably</b><b>too early for its time.</b><b>And they didn't focus too much on design</b><b>or UX to make it relevant to the market.</b><b>But so Meta Smart</b><b>Glasses, have you heard of these?</b><b>The old Ray-Bans.</b><b>Yeah, they look like Ray-Ban partnered</b><b>with with Meta and they've integrated,</b><b>you know, a camera assistant tool into</b><b>their into their glasses and allows them</b><b>to allows you to pretty</b><b>much interact with an A.I.</b><b>to ask its questions, but also interact</b><b>with your social media, like to post</b><b>pictures and stuff like</b><b>that straight off the bat.</b><b>So using pure voice assistance to</b><b>interact with it, play music, et cetera.</b><b>I look, it's I'm on two.</b><b>I'm on two minds of this, but I think</b><b>they've done a good job</b><b>for once integrating this.</b><b>There have been some other products that</b><b>have come out in the</b><b>market previously that failed.</b><b>Obviously, what do you like?</b><b>So you were trying to get it.</b><b>You've been trying to get this recently.</b><b>I haven't got it.</b><b>I don't have that</b><b>discretionary spend on that.</b><b>I've got other things I</b><b>want to buy right now.</b><b>But like I definitely think that it's</b><b>something that maybe I might</b><b>buy like the version to offer.</b><b>Never bought the first iPhone.</b><b>I went to the second or</b><b>third or whatever it was.</b><b>And then I was like, I</b><b>don't really like iPhones.</b><b>I'm going to stick with</b><b>the handroids and stuff.</b><b>And I've been there.</b><b>But in any case, the technology itself,</b><b>it seems like it's it's received much</b><b>better, at least from</b><b>the reviews I've seen.</b><b>And I can see a use for it.</b><b>You know, wearing</b><b>glasses, it's not intrusive.</b><b>It's you know, that that</b><b>could be good and bad and stuff.</b><b>You may want to be able to know when</b><b>someone is using against you kind of</b><b>thing or they've got their camera on.</b><b>But how is that much different to like</b><b>people just holding up</b><b>their cameras and stuff?</b><b>Maybe it's just less.</b><b>I will be seen, but they'll just do a</b><b>glasses ban at the gym</b><b>or something like that.</b><b>Yeah, that's it.</b><b>That's the part I'm like, is there is</b><b>this the the security that all the safety</b><b>that people have by having</b><b>is this thing actually like,</b><b>is this thing actually listening to me</b><b>and I don't know about it?</b><b>Like, how do I know</b><b>that someone's recording?</b><b>No one's holding up a phone or anything</b><b>to where it's clearly obvious that</b><b>they're recording me.</b><b>Is this intrusive to</b><b>people's privacy at all?</b><b>Or is it?</b><b>Yeah, it's interesting.</b><b>But I thought it was for</b><b>me, I thought that was a win.</b><b>It's a cool that they've done it well.</b><b>They've thought about design with the</b><b>integration of these tools.</b><b>And that's that's the thing that's</b><b>missing the experience.</b><b>Right.</b><b>I'm waiting for when they they have the</b><b>heads up display as part of it.</b><b>So while you're looking, it's not just</b><b>that you can take photos, it's normal</b><b>glass and you can take photos.</b><b>But I want to have something where you</b><b>can actually see stuff come up on screen.</b><b>But it's not.</b><b>Yeah, it's not the full, you know, the</b><b>getting the augmented reality kind of</b><b>kind of realm there, which is where</b><b>Google was trying to get to.</b><b>But, you know, they didn't think about</b><b>integration and design or the</b><b>technologist wasn't ready at the time.</b><b>Right. It was a little bit far off.</b><b>It's certainly coming.</b><b>What's what's the other ones?</b><b>This this one, there's great.</b><b>There's a few.</b><b>So I'll skip over them because I know</b><b>we're conscious of time here.</b><b>And this this one,</b><b>tell me what you think.</b><b>So Audi, car brand massive.</b><b>They're integrating a smart driving coach</b><b>into their vehicles.</b><b>So as you're driving, it senses your</b><b>stress levels, your attention span or</b><b>even just how how good your driving is.</b><b>And it it starts to provide either it</b><b>gives you motivational music or</b><b>motivational audio or relaxation content</b><b>or alter your vehicle.</b><b>Environment such as temperature control</b><b>and lighting to, you know, to improve</b><b>your mood while you're</b><b>driving in the vehicle.</b><b>So either helping you to learn about how</b><b>to deal with stress situations on the</b><b>road or avoid stressful situations or</b><b>just improve what you're doing, how</b><b>you're feeling in that moment of driving.</b><b>That's tell me your thoughts about that.</b><b>I look, I like the concept</b><b>of it, the application of it.</b><b>I think there's just certain things that</b><b>maybe you don't want to</b><b>intrude that much with with people.</b><b>If it's an option, great.</b><b>Someone wants to dive into it.</b><b>I think with all of this tech and this is</b><b>like one giant step back, it's having the</b><b>optionality to, you</b><b>know, get into it or not.</b><b>It sounds like I'm sure we will.</b><b>Yeah, definitely.</b><b>Yes.</b><b>Because some people will</b><b>want that just authentic.</b><b>Maybe they just want to</b><b>go for an angry drive.</b><b>They've just had a fight with a partner</b><b>or something like that.</b><b>They just want to go on an angry drive</b><b>and then what, the</b><b>car's not going to let them?</b><b>The car's going to play</b><b>like some, I don't know.</b><b>Some soothing music.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Let me let me warm the car up for you and</b><b>give you a soothing</b><b>massage with the seat.</b><b>It plays Titanic theme or something like</b><b>that as you're like really angry.</b><b>I detect you're angry.</b><b>Let me play some Celine Dion.</b><b>It's like, buddy, let</b><b>me be my friend here.</b><b>You know, like go hard</b><b>with me if I'm like angry.</b><b>Okay.</b><b>I suggest Ramstein and then</b><b>it's like, it's out of you.</b><b>It's out of you.</b><b>So, car knows you like being angry.</b><b>Just like amps it up a bit more.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>I'm going to be a half half.</b><b>Start a fight.</b><b>I would say 50, 50 on that.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>It's interesting.</b><b>It's interesting.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>It's a good one.</b><b>What else you got?</b><b>There's a couple of good ones here.</b><b>There's like a smart</b><b>ceiling camera in your lights.</b><b>Now I'm not sure why it needs to be a</b><b>light, but they've put a</b><b>smarter system within the</b><b>light.</b><b>So it automatically notifies when, you</b><b>know, for, especially if</b><b>you're elderly, if you've</b><b>fallen over and injure yourself, it</b><b>alerts a family member or</b><b>even, you know, calls emergency</b><b>services.</b><b>And I'm just like, why would you, why</b><b>would you put that in a light?</b><b>Like surely you just got camera systems</b><b>or sense other systems.</b><b>That's a bit weird.</b><b>The light, especially the light that sits</b><b>in the toilet and maybe</b><b>your guests don't know</b><b>like what the heck.</b><b>I was going to say like, what if it</b><b>misinterpret something</b><b>like, I don't know, you have the</b><b>part and I get a little bit frisky and</b><b>stuff and then it</b><b>determines that that's a fall.</b><b>It's a fall and it calls the emergency</b><b>services whilst you're in</b><b>the middle of, you know,</b><b>relaxation.</b><b>Like how do we know?</b><b>I'm hoping the AI is good enough to be</b><b>able to determine that.</b><b>It calls emergency services.</b><b>It thinks you're having a fight and</b><b>trying to kill someone.</b><b>Maybe.</b><b>I was just having</b><b>some fun with my partner.</b><b>I can see a future where, because people</b><b>that don't have pets,</b><b>for example, and, you</b><b>know, when you are with people that do</b><b>have pets and, you</b><b>know, they're used to being</b><b>watched by animals all the time.</b><b>If you're not used to being watched by</b><b>animals, I think it's a</b><b>hurdle for people to overcome.</b><b>Maybe like the AI, it'll be like that.</b><b>But for everyone, because now we have to</b><b>just be used to being</b><b>watched constantly in our</b><b>homes by these devices</b><b>that are sure helping us.</b><b>But man, it gets to that</b><b>iRobot kind of thing, doesn't it?</b><b>You know, people haven't seen that movie</b><b>from 20 years ago, kind</b><b>of predicting the future.</b><b>I mean, to the point, like all these</b><b>devices already exist</b><b>with camera systems.</b><b>Like there is pretty much, there is not</b><b>much that you cannot buy</b><b>that you can hide a camera</b><b>in it, that there is something that</b><b>exists to hide a camera in it.</b><b>I mean, this is obviously much more</b><b>focused on that AI aspect of it.</b><b>But I'm just like, why?</b><b>I just can't see a success factor for</b><b>this when you there are so many more.</b><b>Alternatives such as just having a camera</b><b>like why anyway, maybe</b><b>people might disagree with that.</b><b>I don't know. We'll see what happens.</b><b>There's this is another one where there's</b><b>two of them that kind</b><b>of exist in the market.</b><b>The first one that I've</b><b>came across is the AI pendant.</b><b>And this is focusing more on people who</b><b>are, you know, you're having</b><b>conversations, you're</b><b>catching up on a call,</b><b>you're going into a meeting, and it</b><b>records all of the conversations that</b><b>you're having right there.</b><b>And then just buy a thing on your neck.</b><b>And it's always on kind of situation.</b><b>I mean, really, you like that?</b><b>Okay. I like you like that.</b><b>I feel that and especially because of the</b><b>work that we've been</b><b>doing with psych, for example,</b><b>businesses are realizing this is one of</b><b>the things that is fascinating, right?</b><b>They're realizing not just how much</b><b>little of their company's knowledge is</b><b>captured in documents,</b><b>but they're also realizing that when they</b><b>do load those documents that are there,</b><b>not just like the things</b><b>that need to be cleaned up,</b><b>but just the ambiguities that come from</b><b>the documents, they're expecting the</b><b>documents that they've got to be</b><b>interpreted this way.</b><b>And when they ask questions of psych and</b><b>the AI models, they're</b><b>getting some different outputs.</b><b>And it's just like, oh,</b><b>what's what's going on here?</b><b>Why is it like that?</b><b>And it's because of how they've got the</b><b>documents, you know, they are</b><b>using this ambiguous wording.</b><b>They don't capture all the information.</b><b>But, you know, it's taking another step</b><b>back to the side or whatever it is.</b><b>I feel like there's just a lot of</b><b>information that is just in people's</b><b>heads that is in</b><b>conversation and that can be captured.</b><b>Obviously, if it's done ethically, you</b><b>don't just call it Jim in the office and</b><b>go, hey, tell me about that secret thing,</b><b>blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.</b><b>And then you use it</b><b>against them like that.</b><b>We have to have some ethical use of this,</b><b>but I do feel like</b><b>there must be a good way.</b><b>We can do it right now.</b><b>Like you can just have meetings with</b><b>people and try to</b><b>capture some of this stuff.</b><b>Tools like Whisper.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Like you can you can start recording the</b><b>meetings without having to</b><b>press record on the meeting.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>I think my thing with it is like it's not</b><b>a tool that can't be replaced with</b><b>something that already</b><b>exists, such as your phone.</b><b>Five flies.</b><b>Yeah.</b><b>Why?</b><b>Why am I having a pendant to walk into</b><b>the meeting to capture this audio when</b><b>there are there are</b><b>clearly better tools that exist.</b><b>That have this.</b><b>That's that's my struggle with this.</b><b>And this is another one that came out,</b><b>which I'm kind of okay with, because this</b><b>is a bit more of an off</b><b>and on kind of scenario.</b><b>And it's integrated with chat to between</b><b>interestingly, which is a tool called</b><b>it's an A.I. voice recorder called Plaud</b><b>Note, which you can actually buy now.</b><b>This isn't an upcoming one.</b><b>And so it's a similar thing.</b><b>It's a recording device and it focuses on</b><b>capturing, but on meetings</b><b>specifically for meetings.</b><b>We put it in the middle of the table, put</b><b>your phone in the table, it captures it.</b><b>And then it does all the summaries for</b><b>you straight after it.</b><b>So there's like a</b><b>purposeful integration with it.</b><b>But again, I'm like, I looked at this</b><b>tool and I was kind of interested and I'm</b><b>like, but I can do the exact</b><b>same thing on my phone again.</b><b>I can put my phone in</b><b>the middle of the room.</b><b>The microphone on it is better quality</b><b>than what I know this tool is</b><b>going to be able to produce.</b><b>I've got more battery life and the power</b><b>of the of the actual, you know, the</b><b>processing chip to get a better outcome</b><b>than I would by having this little thing</b><b>that I think already talks to my phone.</b><b>I think I think as well the thing that I</b><b>find missing from those tools and I don't</b><b>know the other ones that do it.</b><b>But even with just the ones that say</b><b>capture meeting minutes or you can upload</b><b>like the transcript from</b><b>this, we could upload it.</b><b>And who's who's not to say that we</b><b>haven't used it to help describe and give</b><b>time stamps to the show before.</b><b>But the point is that you can</b><b>do things like that already.</b><b>But I've found that</b><b>they're not interactive.</b><b>So they'll give you that summary and</b><b>they've got their settings to produce,</b><b>you know, here's a summary.</b><b>Here's the key points. Here's the</b><b>takeaways. Here's the transcript.</b><b>Like they've got that thing to do that.</b><b>But I want to interact with it.</b><b>Guess what? I have to take it out into</b><b>psych to do these things.</b><b>And sure, we can do, you know, plug ins</b><b>and there's going to be other tools that</b><b>will just do plug ins and stuff.</b><b>But to your point, I think</b><b>you can capture this stuff.</b><b>You can talk to your phone into a Google</b><b>Docs, for example, or into</b><b>like just some note taker thing.</b><b>Take that out and do</b><b>something else with it.</b><b>Not much friction there.</b><b>So I think this is good.</b><b>But you're right.</b><b>As much as you'd want it to.</b><b>I want it to capture conversations.</b><b>But do we need an actual hardware device</b><b>to capture those conversations when we've</b><b>already got some other</b><b>stuff going back to the rabbit.</b><b>People were like, well,</b><b>I've already got the phone.</b><b>And when Apple and Google through Android</b><b>already have a I in their operating</b><b>systems, why do you need</b><b>the rabbit kind of thing?</b><b>So interesting stuff there.</b><b>And on the rabbit, you</b><b>know, there's the whole coffee.</b><b>Zilla has gone down the rabbit hole there</b><b>because some people that we know actually</b><b>here in Australia pointed out some</b><b>peculiarities with the founder and his</b><b>past life and just, you know, things that</b><b>rabbit was and was not doing.</b><b>So, yeah, really</b><b>interesting kind of stuff.</b><b>But I'm I'm 50 50 on that one as well.</b><b>You know, yep.</b><b>Yeah, interesting.</b><b>So I think it talks again to the point of</b><b>feature versus function.</b><b>Like, is it is it a product?</b><b>Does it need to be a product when there</b><b>is other things out there?</b><b>I want them to challenge.</b><b>I want this innovation.</b><b>We've talked about this before, where I</b><b>am like I love the idea of, you know,</b><b>this I creating all this new</b><b>opportunity within the market.</b><b>But I think people need to be more</b><b>thinking about purpose integration, the</b><b>things that exist, what is</b><b>in the market that we're at.</b><b>Is it improving the experience or is it</b><b>going down a rabbit hole of just like,</b><b>oh, we're creating this</b><b>thing that already exists.</b><b>It's just the same thing.</b><b>No one's going to buy it.</b><b>And therefore you've wasted a lot of time</b><b>and money getting it out there, as we've</b><b>seen with, you know, two of these billion</b><b>dollar invested companies that can't</b><b>unfortunately have failed and now they're</b><b>trying to sell themselves.</b><b>Exactly.</b><b>Good luck.</b><b>Good luck with that.</b><b>Mate, that's it's a pretty good list.</b><b>There's I think that the lesson there is</b><b>that you've got to take a lot of these</b><b>with a grain of salt.</b><b>Like that's it.</b><b>Is it enough to get folks over the line</b><b>to change their behavior and do something</b><b>different or are you integrating into</b><b>something that's there already there?</b><b>Like you might see that there is it's not</b><b>a great way we're doing things right now.</b><b>We need to do things better, but it's</b><b>also hard to make those changes.</b><b>So sometimes you do get</b><b>things that are just so great.</b><b>Like who knew we would be typing into</b><b>blanket chat boxes to get knowledge from</b><b>like that wasn't a thing before.</b><b>They didn't follow the past of like,</b><b>here's what it was before.</b><b>Let's do it this way.</b><b>No, they made it right.</b><b>So I think, yeah, it's good to test.</b><b>And I don't want to stifle in those</b><b>differences will change.</b><b>Right.</b><b>Like the blanket check boxes and</b><b>interesting thing where it I mean, we are</b><b>create at the moment.</b><b>We're so early stage in a I will be are</b><b>just typing into these blanket check</b><b>these blanket chat boxes.</b><b>You know, it's not the</b><b>best experience in the world.</b><b>There's no design consideration.</b><b>It hasn't gone in from an experience and</b><b>design first approach has come up from</b><b>the bottom with technology.</b><b>And so I know this</b><b>stuff's going to evolve.</b><b>It's going to get better.</b><b>New things are going to come up.</b><b>And so, yeah, just this consideration I</b><b>think is like people are people are too</b><b>chasing too fast down the technology</b><b>right right now and not probably</b><b>considering the experience and</b><b>application with stuff.</b><b>So hopefully that will shift.</b><b>Yeah, absolutely.</b><b>It most definitely will.</b><b>And we will be here to watch that shift</b><b>as we finish our drinks basically.</b><b>So amen to that.</b><b>Just being a big week in terms of I was</b><b>in Melbourne doing a few events.</b><b>The the Oz DeFi Association.</b><b>We had events for that on the Wednesday</b><b>and it's been quite a few podcasts.</b><b>So there was one that came out.</b><b>I did it on Monday.</b><b>It was I focus with</b><b>Charmaine from Friday.</b><b>You've met.</b><b>We did a podcast at the venue, Crypto</b><b>Lulu and had a live</b><b>audience, which was great.</b><b>So it was nice to see a few folks there.</b><b>Your mate.</b><b>Well, your mate, your colleague Jason</b><b>joined in the chief.</b><b>So, yeah, it was really great to have him</b><b>and, you know, some of Charmaine's</b><b>clients and others joined in and our</b><b>friends and stuff as well.</b><b>So really good to have all those folks</b><b>along so you can watch that show.</b><b>It's definitely more interactive and we</b><b>do talk to the crowd a little bit, you</b><b>know, and acknowledge</b><b>the crowd during it.</b><b>So it was a weird experience for me.</b><b>You know, I wasn't used to that.</b><b>You used to being alone</b><b>with the guests and stuff.</b><b>So it was really nice to to have</b><b>something like that and</b><b>do some networking after.</b><b>And then I did it again the next day, but</b><b>just a normal podcast</b><b>over at our WeWork offices.</b><b>That one's coming out in a few weeks time</b><b>for an announcement from that company.</b><b>But then I did something on Thursday with</b><b>sponsors called CloudTech Group.</b><b>And so they're in the blockchain space.</b><b>They've got like asset management and</b><b>exchanges and they're doing a stable coin</b><b>and some other things.</b><b>I was interviewing Andrew Salabanks,</b><b>who's former NAB and he's joined there</b><b>from a few months ago with</b><b>work and all these things.</b><b>It's it's been great to get it.</b><b>It's been a real community week rather</b><b>than sitting back and</b><b>watching the globe go by.</b><b>Thank you. I'm going</b><b>to go out for dinner.</b><b>It's been an interesting week.</b><b>Yeah, please do. I'll</b><b>let you let you run free.</b><b>And yeah, we'll catch you</b><b>all on the next episode.</b><b>Catch us on</b><b>We're on all podcast channels.</b><b>Subscribe to us.</b><b>It really helps out.</b><b>And we'll see you next time.</b><b>Yeah, exactly.</b><b>We'll see you soon, folks.</b><b>Bye.</b><b>[MUSIC PLAYING]</b>

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